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Care & Feeding

My Yorkie and Biewer Guide

Congratulations on your new bundle of joy! Yorkies and Biewers are a very fun and loving breed and can give you years and years of joy. These babies are similar to human babies and will always crave your approval and love.

I usually allow my babies to leave for their forever homes between the age of 10-12 weeks. This is a very exciting time for you and your puppy.


Always keep fresh water available. I recommend using the Lickity Stand, as it keeps your baby’s face clean & dry, and the water stays bacteria free. Please see the details available in my “Shop”.

I highly recommend that you keep your puppy on their current diet of Royal Canin Puppy/Chiot 2-10 months small/petit. Please continue feeding your baby 2 X daily, 1/4 cup each feeding. Some puppies will eat it all at once and some are grazers where you will have to leave it out for them during the day. Either way is fine, as long as they are eating.


Hypoglycemia, or ‘low blood sugar” is a common problem among Yorkie puppies and it is most common in puppies between the ages of 5 weeks and 4 months old. This condition can be easily prevented by the following:

1. Make sure your puppy doesn’t go too long between feeding. 3-4 small feedings per day and give your baby a pea size amount of Nutri-Cal right before bedtime.
2. Make sure your baby gets plenty of rest. Playtime is great, but remember your baby is still growing and will need an adequate amount of sleep time as well. Don’t overdo playtime!
3. Make sure you keep your baby in a warm environment and that he/she doesn’t get chilled.

Signs are loss of appetite, extreme lethargy, lack of coordination, trembling, muscle twitching, weakness, seizures, very pale gums. Most dogs will not eat or drink when they are in low sugar

If your baby Yorkie shows any of the signs listed you need to take IMMEDIATE ACTION!! Immediately rub honey, corn syrup, or Nuti-Cal on the lining of your baby’s cheeks, the tissue of the mouth, and under your baby’s tongue. Once you know that your baby is capable of
swallowing, give your baby Yorkies some more by mouth. If you do not see quick improvement, you need to seek immediate veterinary care.

Periodontal Disease in Yorkies and Biewers

Small Breed Dogs, especially Yorkies and Biewers , are prone to Periodontal Disease. This can lead to gum infections, tooth loss, and other serious health conditions if not taken care of.

It is essential that you clean your Yorkies and Biewers’ teeth on a daily basis and consider professional teeth cleaning at your Veterinary Clinic as needed.

At Home Care


I highly recommend buying a small crate for your Yorkie and Biewer. This will offer your puppy a secure place to sleep and stay warm when they can cuddle down inside to sleep. Place a nice soft washable bed at one end of the crate and a washable pee pad at the other end of the crate. The first few nights they will miss their siblings and may not sleep well, so giving your puppy a stuffed animal or fleece animal to cuddle with will help a lot.


I have started housebreaking your puppy to indoor pee pads. Puppy pee pads are great ways to get started. I recommend washable/reusable ones, as puppies like to play with and rip-up disposable ones. I suggest having the pad within eye range of the puppy at all times in the beginning. And again, crates are wonderful ways to get your dog used to going on the pad, if the crate is large enough to have a pee area and also a bed and feeding areas. Positive reinforcement works best. Make sure and highly praise your baby when they pee on the pad. A firm “NO” will suffice when they have a mistake.

The Tiny Dog Shuffle

Shuffle is a way of walking so as to not step on the tiny puppy. It is important to walk where your feet
never lose touch with the floor. Walk this way until the puppy learns not to walk in front of or between your legs. Too often, I have heard of the story after story of these babies getting stepped on or sat on. It is so important that your home be “baby-proofed” and that you make a few changes when they enter into your life, such as shuffling. They will learn this in a short time, but until they do, you will have to learn the Tiny Dog Shuffle. I have known some owners to attach jingle bells to a harness or collar used only for this purpose, to know where they are at all times.

Don’t Allow Your Dog or Puppy to Jump

Puppies love to jump especially when playing. They jump and expect that you can always catch them. You can’t. I highly recommend buying pet stairs for your couch, bed, or chairs, especially if you have hard floors. Jumping on or off of a couch or chair could be very dangerous for your puppy. Be very careful holding them in your arms if they see something like a toy on the floor they want they will probably leave your grasp and go. Also when carrying them,
always carry them firmly so that if they do try to jump they don’t escape your grasp. Also be careful that they don’t climb up on furniture when they are so small. A jump from the chair or sofa is too much for a tiny puppy. It is very important especially when grooming your baby to have a
firm grip on them. They are so curious and will leap out of your arm in the blink of an eye
especially when your combing, bathing or drying them. A small fall to a tiny on a hard surface, even just a few feet off the ground could prove to be deadly, so always be aware with a CLASPED
fingers grip on your baby at all times!


Grooming is one of the most important areas of good care to a Yorkie and Biewer Puppy. Yorkies and Biewers are one of
the most high-maintenance dogs in full coat. However, thanks to grooming salons, you don’t have to keep them in full coat. Yorkies and Biewers become very unhappy as a matted mess, so it is important that they visit the groomer on a regular basis. Once every 1-2 months should suffice. If you decide that you want to keep your Yorkies and Biewers long coated, well then on top of the 1-2 month groomer
maintenance, you should prepare to comb your baby on a daily basis with a comb and a brush. Also make sure to clean their eyes every day. Yorkies and Biewers in full coats need a bath at least twice a
month to maintain cleanliness.


This is clearly common sense!!! DO NOT allow young children to run or roughhouse when the
puppy is around. They can trip or fall on the puppy causing serious injury. Have children sit on
the floor when holding the puppy; they can wiggle out of the child’s arms and fall or jump to the floor.


Yorkies and Biewers are a toy dog, so he/she is very small. But to a hawk he is a rabbit and a meal. If ever you see big birds in the sky, do not take your Tiny outside. I have heard dusk and dawn are the big feeding time for hawks so I do not take my Yorkies and Biewers outside then. Yorkies and Biewers also seem to have the instinct that big birds are predators and will look toward the sky when hawks are there. Bigger dogs naturally seem to NOT like Yorkies and Biewers because they honestly do not know what they are, a friend or foe. To a big dog, a Yorkie and Biewer may be viewed as a cat or rabbit or even a big rat. I do not allow my Yorkies and Biewers to associate with big dogs they do not know very well and I am always cautious even then.


Females and males can be sterilized upon reaching 6 months old, but you can wait a few months longer. I suggest that you consult with your veterinarian before deciding when to do this.


Puppies will chew, that’s what they do. So, if you leave something out within his/her reach, expect it to be fair game to be chewed up. So put everything that you don’t want chewed up out of reach.

Buy toys of different textures to satisfy chewing yearnings. The only chewies I recommend are YAK Cheese Chews and Bully Sticks, under supervision.


Your puppy will need vaccinations and routine worming. I will provide you with your puppy’s current
records. Consult your Veterinarian. I recommend protecting your puppy from Heartworm if you take your
Yorkie and Biewer outside a lot. I would prefer if you look at natural remedies on the market, like Lemongrass, or peppermint oils or sprays to put on your baby over Heartworm meds. My Yorkies and Biewers are personnally inside Yorkies and Biewers. They do go for covered stroller rides and car trips, but rarely are they on the ground. I DO NOT
recommend flea & tick medications even as a preventative. This is a pesticide which can be toxic and deadly and unless absolutely needed it is not my recommendation. I DO NOT recommend the Lepto
shot. If your vet wants to administer this vaccine to your Yorkie and Biewer….FIND ANOTHER VET! This is negligence and lack of experience with Yorkies and Biewers, (5 lbs. and under). This shot could possibly kill a Yorkie and Biewer!
FIND ANOTHER VET, don’t settling for inappropriate care!


Besides Leptospirosis, by far one of the MOST dangerous vaccines on the market to a tiny/small dog.
Many times this vaccine causes proven neurological damage to a tiny/small dog such as a Permanent Seizure Disorders, CANCERS, and PARALYSIS, also noted outcome of this vaccine is newly diagnosed Heart
Problems months after administration of the rabies vaccine that can lead to death. This vaccine given
year after year after year especially in FULL 1CC DOSAGE begins to chip away at their immune system.
Continued administered rabies vaccines year after year will cause irreparable damage as well. Most
dogs under 5 pounds should NOT receive more than 3 total in a lifetime – 1/2 cc’s at a given dose per year!
Tinies/Smalls vets will not acknowledge this problem however there have been irrefutable evidence,
proven by neurologists that diagnosed seizure disorders due to this vaccine. (this is a touchy subject in
the dog world as it is not socially correct to acknowledge this in the dog world) The worst problem comes
from full doses. Lethargy, lack of appetite, eye twitching, Rabies symptoms, seizure disorder, cardio
myopathy, Head tilting, walking incoherent, has been known to incur months after this vaccine has been
administered. When this vaccine is administered to a tiny/small dog in full dose form the worst being a 3
year vaccine, you can bet on problems, within a few months after administration. If your tiny/small dog
must receive this vaccine, you must seek out the advice of a seasoned vet that understands that a full
rabies vaccine is detrimental to the health of these tiny/small dogs. A smaller dosage is vital to your dog’s
well-being. Make the decision for the sake of your dog’s life and stay proactive!


There is a misconception by those not well versed in Tinies/Small Breeds like Yorkies that Shark teeth
are a bad thing! Well this is ignorance on a vet’s part and a buyers part. Double rows of teeth are
“expected” in ALL Yorkies or dogs with shorter muzzles. This is handled at the spay and neuter
appointment. At the time the vet puts your baby under sedation by gas (NEVER INTRAVENOUS) to
spay/neuter he or she will also remove retained baby teeth and do a cleaning at this time.

**Cleaning Products and Pesticides in the home**,

I recommend to my clients NOT to use any Chemical Based Cleaners in your home that your baby comes in contact with. Please use only all Natural Cleaners. I personally use “Puracy 99.9% Natural All Purpose Cleaner Concentrate. That includes floor cleaning, furniture cleaning, bathroom cleaning if the pup can come in contact with anything in the bathroom, kitchen cleaning, Pesticides in the home or ANYTHING that the pup is able to come into contact with any pesticide-treated area of the home is also a big NO. Keep the pup away from any area in your home treated with any pesticides. Keep the pesticides on the exterior of the home where the pup will NOT be allowed to roam – EVER!!!